Sunday, September 30, 2007

Interesting observation on trees.

There is something that I don't really pay much attention to, but I see them everyday. I'm talking about trees. I find it interesting that trees are becoming multi-coloured, but at the same time I think that the colours are dark and dull. Green is a beautiful colour for trees, but not even the now multi-coloured trees are showing any appeal for me. The reason why the leaves of trees change colours is because they lose their chlorophyll which makes them green. When they lose colour, they become "borophyll." Ok, I know that was a Billy Madison reference, but that is just my opinion. But not all trees are dull when they lose their beautiful green colour. Some actually look pretty nice with their red, orange, and yellow leaves.

I also noticed that the leaves in the York University area seem to already lost their chlorophyll more than the leaves in my area in Thornhill. But what's really cool is that once I was at York and some small leaves that fell from the trees were circling around me as if I was in some kind of anime while summiting magical powers. Just a random thought, though.

By the way, I am thinking of getting a new URL for these college-style blogs. Maybe this blog will now just be my regular blog. I will provide a link for my college blog later...if anyone is interested in reading it.

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